“Ramentum” Paintings by Patricia Glee Smith opens in SACI’s Maidoff Gallery, September 19 at 6pm

Patricia Glee Smith, "Poor Yorick," oil on canvas, 80x60cm

Patricia Glee Smith, “Poor Yorick,” oil on canvas, 80x60cm




Definition of RAMENTUM
1 something scraped off : a minute particle : shaving 2 [NL, fr. L] a: any of the thin brownish often fringed or laciniate scales that are borne upon the leaves or young shoots of many ferns and that consist of a single layer of cells b: the armor of a fossil cycad stump that suggests in appearance the ramenta of existing ferns

Origin of RAMENTUM L, fr. radere to scratch, scrape + -mentum -ment —

Patricia Glee Smith

Patricia Glee Smith

Patricia Glee Smith paints objects and the human form in quotidian situations. She explores an imagined inner life of familiar objects and a secret dialogue that takes place between them, all giving testimony to the journey of the artist and her personal experiences with her painted subjects:

My focus is on imperfect objects observed in moments of rest. I am interested in the timelessness of these bits and pieces and in beauty found in unexpected places, intrigued by the inter-connectedness of all things. I take objects out of context and make them monumental.

Structure, surface and content are my primary concerns, my tools being color, light and form. I paint in oils, acrylic and egg tempera, on linen or wood panel. I work slowly, often using glazes: transparent layers of paint thinned with a medium, which build color and depth layer by layer. I work on one piece at time. As I work, the forms and colors develop slowly, almost independently. Sometimes what emerges is unexpected.

Patricia Glee Smith was born at Savanna, Illinois, USA. She studied fine arts with an emphasis on painting at the University of Illinois at Urbana, where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree. In Italy, she studied etching at the Scuola del Libro in Urbino.

Smith has participated in exhibitions with etchings and paintings in institutions and galleries around Europe and the USA. She is a fellow at the MacDowell Foundation for writers and artists, and at the Ragdale Foundation in the USA. Smith has painted many trompe l’oeil murals in Europe and the USA, contributed drawings to the New Yorker Magazine for many years, worked with the National Museum of Oriental art of Rome since 1976 (as art director and science illustrator), and has worked as expedition artist in Turkey, the Yemen and Tibet. She lives and works in Umbria, Italy


Via Sant’Egidio, 14
50122 Firenze, Italy
T/F 055 240 910
Email the SACI Gallery

Open Monday – Friday 9am – 7pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-7pm.

Admission is free

About SACI

SACI is a US non-profit College of Art and Design in Florence, Italy, for undergraduate and graduate students seeking accredited instruction in studio art, design, conservation, art history, and Italian language and culture. Founded in 1975, SACI offers the following programs: Academic Semester/Year Abroad, Summer Studies, Venice Summer Program, Post-Bac in Conservation, MFA in Studio Art, MA in Art History.

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